The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2011, 118-146

Confluence of Traditions (Topoi in Descriptions of an Imaginary Landscape in «Eiríks saga víðfǫrla»)

G. V. Glazyrina

The theme of «Eiríks saga víðfÄrla» (c. 1300), viz. an attempt to reach the
Christian Paradise, is unique in the saga tradition, therefore the study of its
sources has been concentrated mainly on the Christian infl uences. It has been
shown (H. Jensen, R. Power, R. Simek, D. Ashurst, etc) that the saga largely
derives from medieval learned and visionary literature. Whereas the Old Scandinavian
tradition behind the saga has received less attention, probably because
structurally only the beginning of «Eiríks saga» places it in the context
of other writings (Saxo’s «Gesta Danorum», «Þorsteins saga bæjarmagns»,
and other sagas) about travels to the places believed to represent the pagan
Otherworld (Glæsisvellir, or Óðainsakr as its analogue). The article concentrates
on topoi which are believed to belong to the Christian tradition of describing
imaginary landscape. Studied within the literary context of the 13th
century Iceland these topical descriptions in «Eiríks saga» refl ect a great deal
of assimilation and work on a par with traditional elements.

Christian tradition, visionary literature, Scandinavian mythology, sagas, topoi

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