The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2011, 442-460

Four Folklore Tales in the Scythian Logos of Herodotus

M. V. Skrzhinskaya

Herodotus used folklore tales as a source of his information about Scythia. The
article provides a comprehensive stylistic analysis of two myths describing
the origin of Scythians and two historical novels about Anacharsis and Scylis,
the Scythians from a royal family (Her. IV, 5–10; 76–80). The author reveals
in the text a number of special folklore features and also demonstrates how
the historian preserved the peculiarities of the spoken language. Skrzhinskaya
puts forward several arguments that prove that the myth about Heracles, a
snake-legged goddess and their three sons cannot be of Scythian origin. The
author criticises the suggestion that this myth was created by Greek priests.
Writings by Herodotus witness that in the VI–V cent. BC some new myths
and novels appeared among the Greek colonists living at the Black Sea
coast. These myths and novels were composed within the frames of folklore
tradition of their metropolis. Herodotus wrote down the above mentioned four
tales in Olbia and with the exception of the Scythian genealogical myth they
all had been created by the Olbiopolitans.

Northern Black Sea region in the antiquity, Old Greek colonization, mythology, historical novel, Scythian tsars, Heracles

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