The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2014, 213-230

The origins of East-Slavic polity

P. Tolochko


The paper discusses some problems of East-Slavic polity. The author considers the state to be the result of inner social and political development of Eastern Slavs. Long before the arrival of Varangian armed forces Rus’ had had its own administrative and territorial structure of the society in the form of inter-tribal unions headed by princes, with their social centers (“grady” of the chronicles). Varangians did not bring their own social and political system with konungs, jarls, hövdings, tings and other Norman administrative institutes to Eastern Slavs, but accepted the local one. They became princes, posadniks, voivodes, tysyatskys (captains), etc. They were, so to say, built into the life of Eastern Slavs, and led on the process of its consolidation. The Varangian princely dynasty in Rus’ was notable for the fact that they comparatively quickly became Slavic and shared the interests of the state they headed. The author concludes that it is impossible to eliminate the “tribal” stage in the life of Eastern Slavs in the evolution of their polity. Nor would it be correct to begin Russian political history with the arrival of Varangians, which has so often been done nowadays. It would be quite incorrect to look for the first Russian capital in the North of the East-Slavic world, be it Staraya Ladoga or Novgorod. Those centers were focuses of the growing state along with Kiev and Iskorosten’ in the South, or Polotsk in the West. Till the 80s of the ninth century none of them could be considered the All-Russian one. The first and only capital of Rus’ was Kiev.

Eastern Slavs , Rus’, Varangians, Slavinia, “knjazhje”, the Rurikids, “grady”

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