The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2016, 26-46

English Ballad The Boy and the Mantle: Sources & Parallels

I. G. Matyushina

In this article an attempt is made to prove the hypothesis that the plot of the
English ballad The Boy and the Mantle, based on the chastity test with the help
of the magic horn, is preserved in European literature in several variants: the
earliest variant can be exemplified by the Anglo-Norman Lai du cor by Robert
Biket and the French Livre de Carados in the First Continuation of Chrétien’s
Perceval, a later variant, by the German poem Diu Crône by Heinrich von dem
Türlin, a variant which is later still – by the Prose Tristan. In contrast to the
plot based on the motif of the magic horn, the plot of the chastity test by the
magic mantle, which is also present in the English ballad, is preserved in European
literature in a single variant. As is shown in the article, this variant in all
medieval texts (Old Norse: Mǫttuls saga, Samsons saga fagra, Skikkju rímur;
German: Der Mantel, which is sometimes ascribed to Heinrich von dem Türlin,
Lanzelet by Ulrich von Zatzikhoven, Der Luneten Mantel by Meistersinger
Bruns, the anonymous Lanethen Mantel, English: The Boy and the Mantle)
goes back to the French Lai du cort mantel. The origin of the plot in European
literature is far from clear. It is usually believed to go back to the Celtic tradition,
reflected in the manuscripts of the 14–15th centuries. However, there is
evidence of this plot being attested in Byzantine sources of the 5–6th centuries.
The article draws attention to yet another earlier literary source, a Greek romance
of the 3–4th century AD, which has not yet been discussed by scholars.
In conclusion parallels from folklore are drawn which show that the medieval
plots of chastity tests are genetically connected with the wedding ritual.

chastity test, plot, lai, saga, ballad, folklore, wedding ritual

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