The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2017-2018, 128-139

The Mongolian Writing as a State-Forming Factor for the Polity of Genghis Khan and his Successors

R. P. Khrapachevsky

The paper is dedicated to the beginnings of the Mongolian State under Genghis
Khan and his successors, and to the role of writing in the establishment of this
state. The evidence of 13th-century Mongolian and Chinese sources is analyzed.
The reliability of this evidence is checked, and some attempts at its uncritical
usage are criticized. For example, the author argues that there is a difference
between the phrasings of Yuan shi basically used by the scholars, and the original
text of Kubilai’s decree on the introduction of Phags-pa script (with its preface
retelling the story of the development of Uighur-Mongolian writing system).
This helps the author to more accurately define the character of the Mongolian
writing introduced in the first decade of the 13th century. The author also
collects the earliest written evidence on the usage of writing in Genghis Khan’s
Mongolian State: in warfare and intelligence, in courts, for immunity charters, for
commemoration, for recording the events at rulers’ court, for historiography. Most
of fragments of Chinese sources are translated into Russian for the first time. In
conclusion, the author presents a chronological table of the main events in the
development of writing in the Mongol State and the early Yuan Empire.

writing, state, Uighur writing system, Phags-pa writing system, Yuan shi, statehood, the Mongols, the Mongolian script, Genghis Khan, Kubilai, the Mongolian Empire, the Yuan Empire

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