The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2019-2020, 332-348

Snorri Sturluson’s Diplomatic Activities at the Norwegian Royal Court

E. V. Litovskikh

The Icelander Snorri Sturluson (1178–1241) was not only a famous writer and historian. He also establish himself as an outstanding figure in the domestic political arena and attempted to act as a diplomat at the court of Norwegian king Hákon IV Hákonarson (12041263) to regulate the relations between Iceland and Norway. His diplomatic activity in Norway, however, was hampered by the collision if two basiсally different diplomatic practices: Icelandic, based on personal connections between the mightiest Icelandic clans in which cardinal role was played by kin and affinity relations, and Norwegian, hierarchical and feudal. Snorri was the last Icelandic höfðingi who pursued an independent foreign policy of Iceland, and that together with his attempt to construct his relations with the highest Norwegian authorities according to the Icelandic model cost him his life.

Snorri Sturluson (1178–1241), Íslendinga saga, Hákon IV Hákonarson (1204–1263), foreign diplomacy

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