«Восточная политика» Александра Македонского и Селевкидов: разрыв или преемственность?
This article examines a question that has long been of central
importance for scholars of Hellenism. Narrative and epigraphic sources
demonstrate that Eastern representatives, particularly Iranians, comprised a
greater part of the Seleucid armies. Iranian aristocrats headed the satrapies
and important military coalitions, and also did battle as part of the cavalry
guards, the agema. The local subjects of the Seleucids were allowed
citizenship rights in the Hellenic poleis. The ‘consolidation’ of Graeco-
Macedonians and barbarians originally introduced by Alexander continued
throughout the Seleucid period, affecting different spheres of social, cultural
and religious life. Taken together, it can be concluded that the Seleucids
carried on the Eastern policies of Alexander the Great, and these became
one of the main tools for strengthening their own multi-tribal state.
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