Notes for Contributors
Contributors are invited to
Information for authors
Guidelines for submission and publication of articles in
The Earliest States of
The final text of the articles submitted to our Yearbook must look like as follows:
- Articles, publications of primary sources, reviews and other materials (should be submitted in electronic form as *.doc, *.docx, or *.rtf files, as well as a PDF file if other fonts than Times New Roman are used in the text.
- The submitted material should include the following elements in the indicated order:
N(ame) P(atronimic) Surname
The title of the article
Abstract in Russian with the formulation of concrete results of the research-work (no less than 500 symbols)
Keywords (in Russian, up to 10)
The text of the article
References (guidelines see below)
Name P(atronimic) Surname (in Roman script)
The title of the article (in English)
Abstract in English with the formulation of concrete results of the research-work (no less than 500 symbols)
Keywords (in English, up to 10)
The abbreviations list (if there are any)
Abbreviations can and must be used. In the text references with abbreviations are possible, for example: (ПСРЛ. Т. 2. Стб. 341), as well as abbreviations in the list of sources and literature (for example, abbreviations of titles of journals and yearbooks: ДГ, ВЕДС, АЕ, СА, MGH SS etc.). Using abbreviations, it is necessary to append their list and decoding in the end.
Information about the author in Russian and in English in the following order: Surname and the first name, academic degree, academic rank, position, city, country, ordinary mail address with the postcode, e-mail address.
Attention! If your Russian is not fluent, you can submit only an English abstract, and we will translate it into Russian.
Illustrations. Black-and-white illustrations, maps, schemes, etc. may be included. However, in that case the author must address the issue of publication rights himself. Captions to the illustrations should be given both in Russian and in English.
The text volume – up to 1 author’s sheet (40 thousand symbols with intervals, inscriptions and footnotes).
- References to the cited primary sources and secondary literature should be given within the text in round brackets, as follows:
(Иванов 2005. С. 235–236)
(Smith 2005. P. 18–22)
(Исландские саги 2000. С. 44–110)
(Saxo 1931. VI.IV.7 и/или страницы)
(Kronika Dalimilova 1920. S. 15)
Two successive references to the same work are given as follows: (Op. cit. P. 21).
- Footnotes should be numbered automatically.
- The unnumbered list of primary sources and literature in alphabetic order should follow the text of the article under the head References. The works in Cyrillic should be followed by works in Roman letters.
- The list of (sources and) literature consists of all the editions/works referred to in the text. It is a mere bibliographical description of editions/works: with neither surname nor date or number in the beginning.
- If there is no special necessity, the list in contradistinction to the text should not be divided into subsections.
- The editions/works in the list must be arranged in the alphabetical order (first, all the Cyrillic works, then all Latin ones), the works by the same author are given in the alphabetical order.
- If two or more works by the same author and published in the same year are cited, their titles are arranged in the alphabetical order with a letter in brackets after each: (a), (b) etc. (In the text the reference looks like this: Ivanov 2017(а). P. 20).
- An executive editor, a compiler etc. (not the author) is indicated after the title and the single slash: / Ed. I.I. Ivanov. The edition with no author is given in the list in the alphabetical order corresponding to the title (not to the editor). The rule concerns both Russian and foreign editions!
- The standard description of literature in Cyrillic should be supplemented with 1) transliteration of the whole bibliographic record into Roman letters, and 2) translation of the title of the work into English. Both the transliteration and translation are put in square brackets.
Мельникова Е.А. Купцы-скандинавы и киевская русь на пути в Византию в Х–XI вв. // Хазарский альманах. Харьков, 2020. С. 87–108. [Mel’nikova E.A. Kupcy-skandinavy i kievskaya rus' na puti v Vizantiyu v X–XI vv. (Scandinavian merchants and the Kievan Rus’ on the road to
- Transliteration is best followed BSI ( ;;
- Bibliographical records in Greek alphabet should follow the Roman-script bibliography and be formatted in the same way as Cyrillic.
- Bibliographical records in other graphic systems (Arabic, Chinese, etc.) should be transliterated into Roman script and included into the Roman-script part of the list, followed by the title in the original script and its translation into English in square brackets.
The exceptions of transliteration: some surnames (for example, an author persistently transliterates his name differently) and geographical names (it would be useful to address handbooks).
Some examples of exceptions:
Rostov-on-Don (not: Rostov-na-Donu)
Yekaterinburg (not: Ekaterinburg)
Yours sincerely,
Editorial board of “The Earliest States of