The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2012, 317-330

«Доминирующий этнокласс» в государстве Селевкидов при Селевке I и Антиохе I: основные проблемы

S. V. Smirnov

The main subject of the paper is a social aspect of the
formation of the Seleucid kingdom. In the capacity of the social pattern
author adopts a P. Briant’s concept of ‘dominant ethno-class’. The
representatives of this class hold the key points in army, satrapies and
court. Analyzing the different sources author concludes that the high
stratum of ‘dominant ethno-class’ (high offi cials, generals and courtiers)
was contacting with local elites. This process has an integration of local
aristocracy into the Greco-Macedonian ‘dominant ethno-class’ as a result.
Meanwhile the low stratum (essentially habitants of military colonies)
keeps segregation for a long time. The signifi cant feature of Seleucus’ I
and Antiochus’ I period was an obligatory involvement of local elites
for administration but from other hand the keeping of the great distance
between ‘dominant ethno-class’ and indigenous.

“dominant ethno-class”, Seleucids, Seleucus I, Antiochus I, Hellenism

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