The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2012, 343-361

Опора или угроза: роль греко-македонян в развале державы Селевкидов

A. S. Anokhin

The article focuses on the role that the Greek-Macedonian
population of the Seleucid Empire played in the collapse of the imperial
government in the second half of II century BC, which caused a quick
dawn of this monarchy. The process expressed itself primarily in
frequent usurpations and coups d’etat in Syria. The study of the sources
shows that the usurpers’ claims found their social support among the
Greek-Macedonians, who formed the core of the army and imperial
administration, benefi ted from this, and were discontent because of the
sharp decrease of the central power’s activity after the military defeat by
Rome (188 BC).

Syria, the Seleucids, empire, monarchy army, usurpation, coup d’etat, protest Hellenism, the Greek-Macedonians

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