The Earliest States on the Territory of the USSR. 1979: Materials and Research. Мoscow: Nauka, 1980
In the "Research" section, a monograph by Evgenija L. Nazarova "Livonian Truths as a Historical Source", dedicated to the study of the ancient local law of the peoples of Latvia and Estonia. For the first time, 19 new lists of Pravda from the archives of Riga, Tallinn and Tartu are being introduced into scientific circulation. The paper presents the full texts of the "Livonian Pravda" with a translation into Russian. The sections "Communications" and "Reviews" contain an overview of the work of the sector of the history of the most ancient states on the territory of the USSR and a number of reviews of Soviet and foreign publications on the problems of the earliest history of Eastern Europe.
Table of contents
- E. L. Nazarova - «Ливонские Правды» как исторический источник - 2-218
- E. A. Melnikova, А. В. Юрасовский - Сектор истории древнейших государств на территории СССР Института истории СССР АН СССР в 1969-1978 гг. - 219-233
- L. I. Грацианская - Англоязычная периодика (1970-1977) по истории античного периода на территории СССР - 234-254
- A. V. Podossinov - [Рец. на кн.:] Скржинская М.В. Северное Причерноморье в описании Плиния Старшего. Киев, 1977 - 255-261
- A. P. Novoseltsev - [Рец. на кн.:] Тер-Гевондян А.Н. Армения и Арабский халифат. Ереван, 1977 - 262-265