The Earliest States on the Territory of the USSR. 1980: Materials and Research. Мoscow: Nauka, 1982
The book contains a monograph by Mikhail V. Bibikov "Byzantine Sources on the History of Russia, the Peoples of the Northern Black Sea Region and the North Caucasus (12th-13th centuries)", which analyzes Byzantine written monuments containing information on the history of the peoples of our country. The author develops important methodological principles of work that make it possible to identify the very reasons for the appearance of this or that information in the source, with a place in the system of author's ideas, the meaning of the context, genre specificity, the stereotype of terminology for evaluating the data obtained. In addition to the named work, the book contains reviews of a number of publications of foreign sources on the history of the peoples of the USSR.
Table of contents
- M. V. Bibikov - Византийские источники по истории Руси, народов Северного Причерноморья и Северного Кавказа (XII—XIII вв.) - 5-151
- E. A. Melnikova, А. В. Юрасовский - Сектор истории древнейших государств на территории СССР в 1979 г. - 152-158
- N. S. Трухачев - Попытка локализации Прибалтийской Руси на основании сообщений современников в западноевропейских и арабских источниках X-XIII вв. - 159-174
- A. V. Nazarenko - События 1017 г. в немецкой хронике начала XI в. ив русской летописи - 175-184
- L. V. Дучиц, E. A. Melnikova - Надписи и знаки на костях с городища Масковичи (Северо-Западная Белоруссия) - 185-216
- А. Я. Шевеленко - Демографическая заметка о Европе раннего средневековья - 216-227
- V. Y. Petrukhin - [Рец. на кн.:] Раевский Д.С. Очерки идеологии скифо-сакских племен. М., 1977, 215 с. с илл. - 228-236