The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2010, 482-488

The Seal of Byzantine Patrikios and Interpreter Sfen

A. S. Shchavelev

The article deals with the seal of Byzantine interpreter Sphen (Spheni),
who was a patrician and an interpreter for Anglo-Saxons. He had a Scandinavian
name Sveinn. We date this seal to the last quarter of the 11th c.,
or, less likely, the beginning of the 12th century. He was either a native of
England of Scandinavian origin, or a Scandinavian. He was one of such
professional interpreters who could phonetically accurately fixate Scandinavian
and Slavic names in the lists of envoys in Russian treaties with
Byzantium of the tenth century.

Byzantium, Varangians, Anglo-Saxons, interpreter, seal, cross-cultural communication

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