The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2011, 363-407

Christianity of the Vikings in Old Norse oral tradition and contemporary testimonies.

E. A. Melnikova

Christian notions of newly converted Scandinavians were extremely vague in
the ninth and tenth centuries and concerned mostly the ritual sphere and not
dogmatic one. On the one hand, missioners themselves strived to simplify
as much as possible Christian dogmas to be apprehended by the neophytes.
Their primary goal was to inculcate monotheism which was achieved by
the representation of Christ as the single Christian God. On the other hand,
Scandinavians more easily accepted notions that could have been correlated in
this or that way with heathen (mythological) concepts and interpreted within
the context of traditional beliefs. In the sources of the tenth and eleventh
centuries Christ is represented as a mighty konung who confers earthly rulers
with good luck, victories, peace and fruitful years, the warden of people,
Rome, Byzantium and Rus’, the creator of earth and heaven, the master of
paradise. Specifi cally Christian notions of salvation and redemption, crucial
for Christology, left no traces in early texts. The struggle of heathenism
and Christianity was comprehended as confrontation of Thor, the defender
of gods and men, and Christ, and this confrontation was refl ected in many
saga episodes of the demolition of Thor’s statues by Christian rulers and in
constant opposition of Thor and Christ. It is possible that together with tenth
century poems glorifying Thor there existed also a tradition about his combat
with Christ.

Vikings, Christianity, paganism, Christ, Thor

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