The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2011, 34-44

Commodity-money relations and the Byzantine monastery: practice and its meaning

A. B. Vankova

The article deals with the problems of whether there was in the IV–VI с. an
equivalent for the ktetorikon typikon and if so, in what form it could have
existed; how the oral tradition was transmitted or recorded after the monastery
founder's death in case he hadn't left neither written orders nor «rules». Having
analysed various groups of sources (St. Basil the Great's and St. Pachomius's
Rules, Justinian's legislation and Lives of the Saints),the author arrived at the
conclusion that the Life of the founder of the monastery, written soon after his
death by his disciple, could have been a kind of a substitute for the ktetorikon
typikon which failed to appear.

Rule, Typikon, Life, oral tradition, tradition fi xing, monastery, superior/founder

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