The Tale of the Greenlanders (Translation from Old Icelandic, foreword and commentary by Elena Gurevich)
It is for the fi rst time that «The Tale of the Greenlanders» (Grænlendingaþáttr)
is translated from Old Icelandic into Russian. The tale is likely to have been
created in the 13th century. It has been preserved only in «Flateyjarbók», the
famous Icelandic manuscript written in 1389–1394. The translation is supplied
with a geographical and historical commentary.
Снорри Стурлусон. Круг Земной / Изд. подгот. А.Я. Гуревич, Ю.К. Кузь-
менко, О.А. Смирницкая, М.И. Стеблин-Каменский. М., 1980.
Eyrbyggja saga / Útg. Einar Ólafur Sveinsson, Matthías Þórðarson // ÍF.
Reykjavík, 1935. B. IV.
Flateyjarbók. En samling af norske konge-sagaer med indskudte mindre
fortællinger / Udg. af Guðbrandur Vigfússon, C. R. Unger. Christiania,
1860–1868. Bd. III.
Gísli Sigurðsson. Greenland in the Sagas of Icelanders: What Did the Writers
Know — And How Did They Know It? // Висы дружбы. Сборник статей
в честь Т.Н. Джаксон / Под ред. Н. Ю. Гвоздецкой, И.Г. Коноваловой,
Е.А. Мельниковой, А.В. Подосинова. М., 2011. С. 83–100.
Grænlendingaþáttr — Íslendinga sögur og þættir. B. I–III / Ritst. Bragi
Halldórsson et al. Reykjavík, 1987. B. II. Bls. 1110–1119.