The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2013, 464-526

Genealogy and the beginnings of Norse-Icelandic historical writing

E. A. Melnikova

Like in any early society, genealogy was an important element of the mentality of Germanic nations: origo gentis and origo regis were crucial for the formation of collective self-consciousness and self-identifi cation. The existence among the Germans of legends about their descent from the gods is attested already by Cornelius Tacitus whereas in the course of the sixth to eighth centuries pedigrees of Goth, Langobard and Anglo-Saxon kings were put to writing. These were lists of names with no additions. The potential capacity of genealogies to incorporate historic (or quasihistoric) information was realized in Scandinavia. The earliest representation of an extended genealogy can be found in Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf where four generations of Skjǫldungs are named with short characteristics of warrior virtues of each king. The tradition was further elaborated in genealogical skaldic poems of Thjóðólf of Hvin and Eyvind the Skaldspiller (the ninth and tenth centuries) who supplemented the pedigrees with information on the deaths and burial places of the Ynglings and Hladajarls respectively. These poems witness the emergence and growth of a historical genealogical tradition which later became the main form of the perception, structuring and chronologization of the past as well as the representation of the past in the illiterate society. The Norse-Icelandic history-writing emerges and develops within the framework of the genealogical historical tradition. Non-extant lists (tǫlur) and life stories (ævi) of Norwegian kings composed by Sæmund Sigfússon and Ari Þorgilsson were the fi rst written records of this tradition and at the same time the fi rst historiographic works in Iceland. They refl ected the dominating perceptions of history and turned into both the source and model for later history writing. Even Norwegian Latin “Histories” whose authors were well acquainted with European historiography relied on this tradition to more or less extent.
The heyday of “genealogical history” is connected with compilations of compendia devoted to Norwegian kings in the late twelfth and fi rst third of the thirteenth century. They preserve the structure of a pedigree — a kind of plot parataxis though the life stories of each ruler, especially of Óláf Tryggvason and Óláf Haraldsson, are detailed and describe a king’s life from his birth to his death. It is only in Heimskringla, the latest of the compendia, that the earlier unbroken narrative is divided into individual narrations devoted to each of the kings of Norway – sagas, thus making the whole a collection of a series of biographies. The writer and politician, Snorri Sturluson explicitly introduced also a political aspect of a lineage: he stressed not only the biological succession of the Ynglings but their right to inherit the power thus legitimizing their right to supreme authority in Norway.
The “genealogical history” did not however cover contemporary events, i.e. the events of the last two decades of the twelfth century and later. It was strictly limited to the distant past, from mythological beginnings till the rule of the last Yngling. Later history of Norway as well as the history of Iceland was represented in a different form of historiography which made use but did not rely on genealogy. Still, the role of genealogy remained as important as it used to be, but it separated from historiography and was represented by family pedigrees of Icelanders and dynastic pedigrees of Norwegian kings and aristocracy.

genealogy, pedigree, skaldic genealogical poems, kings’ sagas, Scandinavia, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, historical writing

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