The beginning of historical writing in Ancient Mesoamerica
The paper is focused on the process of the formation of the tradition of history writing in ancient Mesoamerica from the Middle Formative to the Early Classic. Early written sources with historical content are not extant because of very fragile writing material (paper made from the bark of Amate tree). First monumental inscriptions appeared in the Middle Formative independently and in different regions (Oaxaca, Gulf Coast) and already demonstrated developed writing and calendar. It seems that the appearance of these inscriptions did not refl ect the birth of writing but rather the genesis of the tradition to use monuments to record historical events. Pan-Mesoamerican format of such monumental inscriptions included date, event and names and titles of the protagonist. These early texts later transformed to the royal inscriptions so widespread in Mesoamerica. The next important stage was the invention of the Long Count in Southeastern Mesoamerica in the second or fi rst century B.C. It differed from the previous chronological systems in that it included elements of era dating. In early inscriptions with the Long Count the most important objective was to place the events on the temporal line and to record unique (and not cyclical) events, usually inaugurations of the rulers. Slightly later we observe the appearance of the system of the Distance Numbers that connect different dates within the inscription. It is a good argument for the further development of historical writing, because from this time long inscriptions were not simply lists of dated records, but coherent texts based on sequential chronology.
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