Oral tradition in the Armenian historiography: On the mechanisms of cultural continuity
The mechanisms of interaction of oral and written traditions still lack a detailed study, especially when we speak of the earliest stages of such interaction. The author studies this problem on the material of the Armenian historiography of the fi fth century A.D. The predecessors of Movses Khorenatsi, the fi rst historiogpraphers of the fi fth century, equally used family oral tradition and heroic oral history based on real facts but narrated according to folkloric formulae and etiquette standards. These authors had no claims to include the Armenian history into the history of the world. The set of events reported by them was basically correct, but the descriptions of the Persian war and its heroes, as well as of the Conversion and its fi gures, the inner troubles in the country, etc., had not overcome the usual way from myth via epic to history. The pagan myth was eliminated by the authors themselves, and the narration of real historical events was couched in the habitual epic form of oral legends. The way from the late fourth to the second half of the fi fth century was too short for changes, increases, and contaminations typical for later historical works. We can observe the phenomenon of the eye-witness stories presented by the authors of Buzandaran, Elishe, and Lazar Parpetsi within the framework of oral history, which had just now passed its throne to historiography.
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