The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2014, 507-534

The new edition of the earliest Smolensk diplomas of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries (on the publication by A. Ivanov and A. Kuznetsov)

L. V. Stolyarova


The fundamental edition of Smolensk and Riga diplomas prepared by A. Ivanov and A. Kuznetsov appeared in Latvia in 2009. The publication is the realization of the authors’ holistic approach that had been formed on the basis of the all-embracing diplomatic, textual, lexical, orthographic and palaeographic study of the available Smolensk diplomas of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The reviewer analyses in detail modern principles of publication of medieval literary texts of Slavonic documents in Cyrillic script, as well as the developed by Ivanov and Kuznetsov rules for the edition of Smolensk diplomas. Various actual problems of study and publication of early documents are broached, the complicated and simplified norms of historical and linguistic edition among them. The reviewer shows that the archaeographical principles of the new edition of Smolensk diplomas of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries that has united the experience of linguistic as well as diplomatic editions are the result of many years of scholarly work (the historical investigation of every published diploma, their origin, their diplomatic form and palaeographic peculiarities, systematic history of their texts which found reflection in the preserved versions and copies). Due to such approach to the investigated body of diplomas A. Ivanov and A. Kuznetsov have suggested new attributions of Smolensk diplomas, grounded more precisely their dating and offered new (in many aspects) interpretations of each text in the totality of Smolensk and Riga diplomas of the thirteenth and the second half of the fourteenth centuries. The reviewer emphasizes the exceptional importance of the 2009 edition for the study and publication of early documents. The study of both inner and outer form of the documents in the publication is so detailed, based on thorough formal analysis and the latest methods of the study of handwriting and parchment, decorative components and diacritical marks, modes of attachment of seals and appreciation of their quality that it can be ranked among the best humanitarian publications of medieval texts nowadays. The review is concerned with exclusively archaeographical problems which have found reflection in the new edition of Smolensk diplomas (the way of choosing the copies and the development of the rules of their reproduction), as well as with the realization of the authors’ conception concerning the correlation of various copies and variants of the Treaty of 1229, the origin of the Treaty of the unknown Smolensk prince concluded in 1229, etc. The reviewer pays special attention to the analysis of the modes of reproduction of the texts of Smolensk diplomas, to the analysis of the structure and quality of the reference apparatus of the 2009 edition as well as to the correlation of the new publication with the classical work by T.A. Sumnikova and V.V. Lopatin (1963).


diplomatics, study and publication of early official documents, Smolensk diplomas of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, rules of the edition of medieval texts, review

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