The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2014, 401-434

Matrimonial alliance of Henry I, King of France, and Anne, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, Prince of Kiev: reasons, background, consequences

A. Musin

The paper gives a comprehensive analysis of the extensive historiography and a few written sources concerning the marriage of Henry I of France to Anne, the daughter of Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise, as well as its historical and political background, and the life of Anne after Henry’s death. The existing hypotheses that interpret the reason for this alliance seem to be unconvincing. The author pays attention to chronological coincidence of the matrimonial project of Henry and the conflict between France and Normandy since 1049. The coalition of Normandy, England and Flanders is likely to have come into being about 1050. It was reinforced with the marriage of William the Conqueror to Matilda of Flanders. The marriage of Anne and Henry should be regarded as an attempt of Francia to establish the alliance with Harald Hardruler, the king of Norway, who had married Elisabeth, Anne’s sister, another daughter of Yaroslav the Wise. The Norwegian military activity in the region of the North Sea could have been used by the French king against the new coalition. The second Anne’s marriage to Raoul IV de Crepy, count de Valois, also served to solve problems of the French Kingdom. There is no reliable information on their excommunication and expulsion from the royal court. Anne actively participated in the government as the queen-mother, while Raoul was one of optimates and barones Francie. This marriage could have been a kind of balance between the old French nobility and the new Regency Council of the young king Phillip. Thus, the so-called “mysterious” alliance of Henry and Anne was connected with the rise of early states in North-Western Europe in the framework of the existing relations between that part of the continent and Rus’.

Kievan Rus’, France, Normandy, Norway, matrimonial policy, international relations, cult of St. Clement of Rome, source criticism, historical stereotypes

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