Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks konungs and the problem of cyclization in Germanic heroic epos in Scandinavia
Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks konungs, one of the so-called heroic sagas
(i.e. which subject matter derives from Germanic epics of the Migration period)
known in three versions is composed of several narrative traditions having
originated in different times, literary (European) motifs and additions of
the saga author. Its basic kernel is formed by the Lay about the battle of the
Goths and Huns, or Hlöðskviða, which reflected the invasion of the Huns in the
East European steppes at the end of the fourth century and it is first testified
in Anglo-Saxon poem Widsið (eighth century). The lay is merged with purely
Old Norse legends, the Lay about the battle on the island of Samsö and the Lay
about Hervör, both being composed probably in the twelfth century, and it is
continued by a genealogical list of Uppsala kings up to the mid-twelfth century.
The saga author made use also of the motif ‘counsels of a father’ popular in
medieval European literature as well as probably of a Biblical episode about
the unaccomplished sacrifice of Isaac by his father Abraham. The adventures
of Heiðrek and some other episodes are supposed to have been written by the
author himself. These heterogeneous parts were united by way of construction
of genealogical relations between the heroes of the legends. The primary role
in the selection of legends was played by the coincidence of personal names
of the heroes. The genealogical cyclization is supplemented with an additional
prevailing theme, that of a magic object – the sword Tyrfing which passes from
one generation to the next.
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