The Earliest States of Eastern Europe. 2016: Galina V. Glazyrina: in memoriam / Editors of the volume T.V. Guimon, T.N. Jackson, E.A. Melnikova, A.S. Shchavelev. Moscow: Dmitry Pozharsky University, 2018

The next volume of the almanac "The Earliest States of Eastern Europe" is dedicated to the memory of the famous Russian Scandinavian Galina V. Glazyrina. The articles published here reflect the range of her scientific interests and are devoted to the poetics of the Icelandic sagas, including the legendary sagas, oral tradition in its reflection in written texts, as well as the early stages of the Christianization of Scandinavia and other European countries and the relationship between pagans and Christians in this period. The book is of interest to a wide range of Scandinavians and medievalists, culturologists and church historians, as well as all those who are interested in the culture and history of the Middle Ages.
Table of contents
- E. A. Melnikova - Scholarly legacy of Galina Glazyrina - 6-16
- N. Y. Gvozdetskaya - Crying and Mourning in Edda and Beowulf: on the way from ritual to literature - 17-25
- I. G. Matyushina - English Ballad The Boy and the Mantle: Sources & Parallels - 26-46
- E. A. Melnikova - Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks konungs and the problem of cyclization in Germanic heroic epos in Scandinavia - 47-81
- E. A. Gurevich - “Knife and belt”: an Uninvestigated locus communis in Old Icelandic Prose Texts - 82-96
- H. Janson - The Dukedom of Braunschweig-Lüneburg and the Dating of Fagrskinna - 97-110
- D. S. Glebova - To the Poetics of the Bipartite Saga: Point of View and Composition of Bjarnar saga Hítdælakappa - 111-123
- E. V. Litovskikh - The Story of the Cow Brynja: Animals in “Landnámabók” - 124-133
- T. N. Jackson - Oral tradition in Haralds saga harðráða - 134-156
- T. V. Guimon - Oral tradition on eleventh-century events in medieval Novgorod - 157-183
- I. M. Nikolsky - Lapsus Linguae or the Play of Words? How the Christian Writer Lactantius Made Pagans Barbarians with Only One Pronoun - 184-195
- A. V. Podossinov - Pagan and Christian Elements in the Early Medieval Cosmological and Geographical Concepts - 196-210
- Z. Y. Metlitskaya - Heathens and the Heathen Past in the Old English Translation of Paulus Orosius’s Historia adversus paganos - 211-230
- G. V. Glazyrina - Itinerant Missionaries - 231-238
- J. Komendová - The Conceptualization of the Paganism in Missionary Hagiography the the Latin West and in Rus (up to the 14th century) - 239-252
- V. I. Matuzova - The “Chronicon terrae Prussiae” by Peter of Dusburg on Prussians - 253-265
- A. S. Shchavelev - How did the author of the Primary Chronicle date the treaty of Igor Rurikovich with the Byzantime emperors? - 266-273
- T. L. Vilkul - Chronographic Borrowings as Markers of the Textual History of the Galič-Volhynian Chronicle - 274-289
- M. V. Bibikov - Ilya Muromets in the Athonite Tradition - 290-293
- T. M. Kalinina - Information about Apostle Andrew in some east sources - 294-303
- L. V. Stolyarova - The Records of Interrogation as a Form of Writing Down Oral Statements in the Late Sixteenth-Century Russia - 304-342
- M. Lysý - Slavic and Moravian Identities in the 9th Century - 343-353
- V. Y. Petrukhin - Ingvar in Semigallia - 354-359
- M. L. Lavrenchenko - Two Meanings of Bratouchado and the Importance of Maternal Uncle in Old Rus Society - 360-371
- S. V. Beletsky - The Heraldic Pendant from the Vicinities of Smolensk - 372-381
- Y. A. Artamonov - In Search of the Archimandritia of Rostov - 382-393
- M. V. Vinokurova - About a Manor and a Borough - 394-405
- V. I. Matuzova - Review: Kwiatkowski K. Zakon niemiecki jako ‘corporatio militaris’. Cz. I: Korporacja i krąg przynależących do niej. Kulturowe i społeczne podstawy działalności militarnej zakonu w Prusach (do początku XV wieku). Toruń, 2012. - 406-411