The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2016, 343-353

Slavic and Moravian Identities in the 9th Century

M. Lysý

The article is concentrated on the dual identity of the inhabitants of socalled
Great Moravia (the 9th century). A concise overview of the concepts
of ethnogenesis and ethnic identity used in historiography is given, with a
special attention to contemporary “post-modern” skeptical views on the origin
of the Slavs. It seems that there is no rational reason for denying at least some
level of Slavic identity. The meanings of terms the Moravian and the Slav
in various Latin and Old Church Slavonic written sources of the 9th century
are analyzed. As it seems, concrete identity played more important role in
comparison with the more general Slavic one, however, they had both place
in the mental structures of early medieval Moravian society. Before the 9th
century the Slavic identity was not always connected with the name Slavs.
When analyzing the Lives of Constantine and Methodius, we can conclude,
that there was a strong increase of using the term Slavs in the second text in
comparison to the first one. This phenomenon can be explained by the needs
of the church administration in Moravia during the attacks of the Bavarian
clergy against Methodius and his interests both in Moravia and Pannonia. The
protection of his interests was associated with the protection of the Slavic
language, therefore the enemies of Methodius were considered to be at the
same time the enemies of the Slavic liturgy and the Slavic language.

Life of Constantine, Life of Methodius, identity, gens, Slavs, Moravians, Great Moravia, Church administration

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