The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2017-2018, 406-421

A Finger-Ring with a Runic Inscription from Karavyshen’ Medieval Settlement (Gomel Region, Belarus)

O. A. Makushnikov, E. A. Melnikova

Among various objects (fragments of ceramics, ornaments, pieces of
weapons, fragments of glass products, etc.) collected on the tilled field near
the community Karavyshen’ (the Gomel District of the Gomel Region, Belarus)
a narrow-plate oval-shield finger-ring made of bronze with addition of tin and
lead was found. Typologically the ring can be dated to the late 11th to mid-
15th century. There are three signs carved on the shield of the ring that can be
identified with Scandinavian runes ru͡ þr. The inscription may be a personal
name (H)róðr (from Old Icelandic noun hróðr, m., ‘praise; fame, reputation̕ ) or
a by-name ruðr (var. to rjóðr) ‘Red’. According to its paleographic peculiarities,
the most probable date of the ring with the inscription is the late 11th or
the12th century.

Karavyshen’, Belarus, finger-ring, runic inscription, Middle Ages, archaeology

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