The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2017-2018, 104-127

A Socio-Political Background of the Origin of Old Turkic Runic Writing

V. V. Tishin

The article is concerned with the problem of the origin of Old Turkic runic
writing as a socio-cultural phenomenon. Some scholars regard the emergence
of writing among the Old Turkic peoples as an attribute of a certain level of
complexity of society. However, it is not easy to justify the necessity and practical
usage of writing in the nomadic societies. Large political units, established by
nomads, were based upon tribal organization and, therefore, were fragile and
ephemeral. Historical experience was preserved by oral tradition within each
tribe. The strength and durability of a political unity under the rule of one of
those tribes could be maintained with the help of force of arms or ideology. The
conception of over-tribal power is not convincing. The same can be said about
the political unity which included most of Turkic-speaking tribes and was headed
by the tribe Türk. The qaghans of the so-called First Türk Empire used Sogdian
writing system. However, it is difficult to imagine any practical importance of
inscriptions on stone made in Sogdian for common nomadic people. It seems
that the installation of monuments with inscriptions in Old Turkic during the
period of the Second Türk Empire was nothing more than the reproduction of
the same practice. These were texts of political content, justifying the greatness
of the Türk qaghans. Those who were destined to listen to the speeches of the
qaghan included his own relatives, ministers (buyruq), and tribal chiefs (bäg).
It is hardly probable that wider circles of nomadic population used any writing.
It is possible that those ministers and, partly, tribal chiefs could transmit to the
people the words of the leader. At the same time, inscriptions of the Second Türk
Empire were primarily epitaphs. Originally being borrowed from the Chinese,
the custom of perpetuation of famous persons in practice put aside the value of
these constructions as monuments of writing. These inscriptions reflect the views
of the Türk elite on historical realities relevant to the period in which their life
and activities took place. They were not a product of historiography as to imply
the presence of historical memory and historical consciousness. Also, these texts
reflect a nomadic vision of the possibility of the existence of tribal unions under
the primacy of only one of them, with which all the other identify themselves. One
can see here a reverberation and a written expression of stereotypes typical for
traditional nomadic world view. After the decline of the dynasty of Türk qaghans
the chiefs of the Uighur tribe adopted all political traditions of the nomadic empire
and continued the development of its institutions. So, a new stage of Old Turkic
statehood and Old Turkic culture started. In Uighur period of the history of the
steppe empire the writing tradition had a better chance to develop. The early
inscriptions of Uighur qaghans are more restrained than those of the Türk ones,
in their style and content, but they use the system of time counting based on the
Chinese calendar more successively, and the presentation of historical events is
more consistent. It is reasonable to assume that the development of written culture
in the Uighur period was caused by the adoption of Manichaeism and, even more,
by the increase of agriculture and the growth of settled population. It also can be
assumed that the Uighurs developed a written tradition using the potential laid by
Türk qaghans who could not realize it. The Türks only set the trend, promoting
the possibility of the spread of original writing system among the Turkic-speaking
population of Steppe Eurasia, which eventually found application in its various
corners, but never became the official writing of nomadic empires.

Old Turkic runic writing, state, tribal organization, Eurasian nomads, historiography, oral tradition

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