The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2019-2020, 232-255

Kinship Terminology and Diplomatic Formulas in the Rurikids Politics, c. 1140–1450

M. L. Lavrenchenko

The article provides a comparative analysis of the two ritual language components in ruler’s agreements of the pre-Mongol and Muscovite Rus’, namely the various forms of the kinship terms and the idiom phrases that emphasized the unity of allies. Russian princes’ dialogues and messages preserved in the 12th century narratives in Hypatian and Laurentian Chronicles and the treaty documents of the great and depended princes of the 14th and 15th centuries were chosen as two comparative groups of sources. As a result, we can trace consistent changes in the ritual language, reflecting transformations in the political practices as well as development of the agreement forms from oral to written. Short, diverse, inventive idiomatic phrases of the 12th century political messages transformed into the extensive, standardized, bulky, multi-stage formulations of the paper and parchment charters, spread in the 14th and 15th centuries, but the core of messages remained the same.
For example, the chronicle princes’ dialogue expression «who is an enemy for you, is an enemy for me as well» (Kievan Chronicle) transformed into a standard agreement phrase «who will be a friend of you, Grand Prince, will be a friend of us. And who will be your enemy will became our enemy as well» (the treaty of Vasily I of Moscow with Mozhaysk princes, 1401–1402). Often the phrase continues promising the same to all participants of the treaty and their children. From easy-to-remember oral expressions these idioms became the standard official decor of the prince’s agreement.
Kinship terms «father», «brother», «son» artificially used in the 12th century narratives as a social tool in creating a horizontal political relationships and often applied in pair («brother and son») or asymmetrically («father» in answer to «brother»), in the 14th century gave way to the hierarchically meaningful combinations «elder brother» and «younger brother». In this period the words «father» or «son» are normally used only as the additions to them.
Though the political situation changed and Rurik dynasty transformed from a family fraternity of the 12th century, where every member could obtain the Kievan throne, into a vertical political structure with the Moscow Grand Prince on the top of it in the 14th and 15th centuries, the kinship terms and agreement phrases remained the main part of the political ritual language, but the character of their usage became completely different.

ritual studies, social practices, political practices, comparative methods, kinship terms, artificial kinship, medieval agreements, Old Russian society, Kievan Codex, Hypatian Codex

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