The Earliest States of Eastern Europe

The Earliest States on the Territory of the USSR. 1986: Materials and Research. Мoscow: Nauka, 1988

The Earliest States on the Territory of the USSR. 1986: Materials and Research. Мoscow: Nauka, 1988

The almanac contains a study on a number of source study aspects of Strabo's "Geography", created at the turn of our era by a well-educated Greek author. "Geography" contains a lot of unique information on the history of our country in the ancient period, the interpretation of which until now was of a specific episodic nature and practically did not take into account the context of the entire work. In addition to the mentioned study, articles are presented on topical problems of source study of the national history of the ancient period, in particular, the issues of source study of the earliest period and the stories of Old Rus' are considered.

Table of contents