The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2010, 448-463

Steppe Empires of Ancient Nomads of Central Asia (Stages of Politogenesis)

S. G. Klyashtornyj

A particular type of ethnopolitical formations emerged in Inner Asia in
the 5th–3rd centuries B.C. which was to determine the form of politogenesis
throughout the whole mountain and steppe zone of Eurasian Space and to
have essential influence upon the political, social and cultural processes in
the rest of Eurasia for a long time. In the context of these ethnopolitical formations
which are not adequately enough referred to as „nomadic states”,
some strong tendencies towards political integration became visible. These
tendencies later developed in diverse segments of steppe Eurasia. There appeared
distinctive stereotypes of interrelations with the world of sedentary
and agricultural societies and states which existed for almost two thousand
years. Three groups of these early ethnopolitical formations (the so-called
„steppe empires”) can be distinguished with a certain degree of probability.

Steppe Eurasia, Politogenesis, Hsiung-nu State, Turkic Kaghanate, Early State, Steppe Empire, Turkic Runes

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