The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2013, 836-839

Рец.: Starnawska M. Świętych życie po życiu: Relikwie w kulturze religijnej na ziemiach polskich w średniowieczu. Warszawa, 2008 (Starnawska M. Life after life: Relics in religious culture in medieval Poland. Warsaw, 2008)

V. I. Matuzova

Professor M. Starnawska explores the problem of the impact of the relics of saints on Polish religious culture in the Middle Ages (from the late tenth century to the 1520s). She concentrates on the area of Gniezno ecclesiastical metropolis. In fi ve chapters the author analyzes the kinds of relics and their hierarchy, their use, their role in the life of communities and in personal religiousness. The decisive period in the development of the cult was the thirteenth century.

Middle Ages, Poland, the Archbishopric of Gniezno, relics