Vera I. Matuzova
Cand.Sc. (Philology), Senior Researcher at the Institute of the World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russsia, Leninskiy prospect, 32a, 119334
ORCID: 0009-0001-2919-3294
- The Teutonic Order as a Religious Corporation, the 13th and 14th Centuries: According to Chronicon terrae Prussiae by Peter von Dusburg - DG-2022, 75-86
- Crusading Ideology in the Writings of the Teutonic Order in Prussia in the 13th and 14th centuries - DG-2017-2018, 331-346
- Review: Kwiatkowski K. Zakon niemiecki jako ‘corporatio militaris’. Cz. I: Korporacja i krąg przynależących do niej. Kulturowe i społeczne podstawy działalności militarnej zakonu w Prusach (do początku XV wieku). Toruń, 2012. - DG-2016, 406-411
- The “Chronicon terrae Prussiae” by Peter of Dusburg on Prussians - DG-2016, 253-265
- Рец.: Starnawska M. Świętych życie po życiu: Relikwie w kulturze religijnej na ziemiach polskich w średniowieczu. Warszawa, 2008 (Starnawska M. Life after life: Relics in religious culture in medieval Poland. Warsaw, 2008) - DG-2013, 836-839
- The Origins of the Historiography of the Teutonic Order in Prussia - DG-2013, 552-564
- The Oral Foundation of the “Chronicon terrae Prussiae” by Peter of Dusburg - DG-2011, 353-362
- From “nova militia” to “nova bella”: the Teutonic Order on the Way from the Holy Land to Prussia - DG-2009, 463-476
- Time in the “Chronicon terrae Prussiae” by Peter of Dusburg - DG-2006, 321-330
- Видéния в литературных памятниках Тевтонского ордена (XII-ХIV вв.) - DG-2003, 143-150
- The Medieval Teutonic Order in Modern International Historiography - DG-2002, 296-310
- The Formation of Historical Consciousness: the Early Historiography of the Teutonic Order in Prussia - DG-2001, 272-277
- The European Middle Ages on the Pages of the Two Commemorative Editions - DG-1999, 454-459
- The Prussian Nobles and the Teutonic Order - DG-1987, 281-287
- The Theological Foundations of the “Chronicon terrae Prussiae” by Peter of Dusburg - DG-1982, 152-169
- The Anglo-Norman Narrative Sources on Russia (the 12th – 13th Centuries) - DG-1975, 130-140