The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2014, 91-115

Political anthropology on state origins

N. N. Kradin

State origins is the perpetual problem of the humanities. It excited curiosity of scholars working in such fields as philosophy, jurisprudence, sociology, political science, history, etc. There were advanced many opinions in this respect. There exist hundreds of books and thousands of articles on the theme. The first to have appeared were the so-called “sacral” and “patriarchal” theories. They were followed by the theory of “social contract”. These theories are based on philosophical premises. They all are believed to be the so-called “speculative” theories of state origins. Modern conceptions of the origins of the state working up in political anthropology have a set of basic features distinguishing them from classic theories that have been developed by historians, philosophers and lawyers. Formation of the state was the result of two interconnected processes. They are: consolidation of the society (the integrative or functionalist theory) and regulation of structural collisions in the society (the conflict theory). According to these theories the state fulfills functions useful for all, as well as expresses social antagonisms. Statehood is the result of getting control over such basic spheres of social life activity as economics and ideology. The important role is performed by armed supporters who make it possible both to establish control inside the society and to stir up the outside expansion. Nowadays there exist some most popular anthropological theories exposing different ways of the origins of the state. This article discusses such basic problems as the nature of statehood, signs of the state, theory of “the early state” and the stages of transformation of statehood through history, multiline character of the processes of politogenesis, the role of such concepts as “chiefdom” and “hierarchy”. It shows that in the recent decades many theories have been criticized in Western postmodernist and postcolonial anthropology. It is necessary to revise the West-centric and racist conceptions of world history, to take into account the gender factor, to understand that the straightforward comparison of prehistoric entities and their ethnographical analogies was false. However, postmodernists could not suggest any integral alternative to replace the theories of the second half of the twentieth century.

state, state origins, politogenesis, chiefdom, complex society, heterarchy, social evolution, political anthropology


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