The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2016, 111-123

To the Poetics of the Bipartite Saga: Point of View and Composition of Bjarnar saga Hítdælakappa

D. S. Glebova

The transition from the Norwegian narrative to the Icelandic one in Bjarnar
saga Hítdælakappa creates such a contrast that for a long time this saga has been
seen as particularly odd or clumsily made. This article argues that the contrast is
due to the saga’s bipartite structure where one part serves as an introduction and
another becomes the main narrative. The transition from one part to the other is
marked by the change in the narrator’s guidance. This change is illustrated by
the analysis of the representation of subjectivity in the saga.

Íslendingasögur, structure, point of view, subjectivity, perspective, narratology, quantitative method

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20 На рамку указывает и то, что переходы к точке зрения персонажа убывают и
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