The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2016, 274-289

Chronographic Borrowings as Markers of the Textual History of the Galič-Volhynian Chronicle

T. L. Vilkul

Many of 11th–13th-century Old Rus chroniclers used translated Byzantine
chronographic texts in their compositions. Borrowings from those texts serve as
important textual markers, showing chroniclers’ preferences and distinguishing
different source complexes in their hands. So, they shape our interpretations of
the texts and provide invaluable testimony for the reconstruction of the process
of the chronicles’ composition. One of the most important representatives
of Old Rus secular literature, the 13th-century Galič-Volhynian Chronicle, is a
complex bookish text that scholars have repeatedly tried to “stratify”. The ultimate
goal was to define the portions or even the individual records made by
each chronicler. Nonetheless, by now only two levels have been reliably reconstructed:
the “Galician” (text for the 1200s–1260s) and the “Volhynian” (text
for the 1260s–1290s) sections of this chronicle. The precise boundary between
them has been localized s.a. 1260, 1264, or 1266. Starting from the studies by
Alexander Orlov (1926) attention has been paid to the fact that the two sections
differ, among other things, in the manner of borrowing from literary sources.
The borrowings from the Chronicle of John Malalas, the History of the Jewish
War by Flavius Josephus, the Chronicle of George Hamartolos, and the Alexander
Romance ( Alexandria) provide the most important data. While we find
plenty of direct quotations and allusions to the translated Byzantine chronicles
in the “Galician” section, the similar material in the “Volhynian” section is
much poorer. It is also believed that the compiler of the “Volhynian” section did
not borrow directly from the chronographic sources, but used such borrowings
via older chronicles, such as the Primary Chronicle and, especially, the Kievan
Chronicle, which served as the main model for him. The revision of some textual
data shows that this idea of intermediacy does not stand the scrutiny. Scholars
were focused mainly on the borrowings from the Chronicle of Malalas, which
cannot be a really good indicator in the analysis of the composing of the “Volhynian”
section. First of all, the last exact parallels to Malalas’ text are found
in the annals for the late 1250s. After that we see only non-unique expressions
or rare words which might appear due to random coincidences. We can even
assume that real quotations from this source stop after 1258 at all. Much more
stable results reveal the comparing of the “Volhynian” section with the History
of the Jewish War. Being the favorite text of the “Galician” compiler, Flavius’
History continued to be cited by the “Volhynian” one. Some quotations occur
in the last section only. Others, although appear in both sections several times,
more accurately are reproduced in the “Volhynian” section. All this means that
the “Volhynian” author worked with the chronographic texts independently. So,
there is no change in the complex of sources c. 1260, but just a shift of the
interest from chronographic sources to older Rus chronicles. The “Volhynian”
compiler cannot be blamed for that, because the Kievan Chronicle and the Primary
Chronicle were much more suitable models for his own entries than the
translated chronicles. At the same time, this means that all the Galič-Volhynian
Chronicle could be compiled at one time, either by one scribe whose manner of
work changed, or by a group of scribes.

Old Rus, medieval chronicles, 13th century, Galič-Volhynian Chronicle, Byzantine chronicles, Slavonic translations

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