The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2017-2018, 368-382

The Middle Persian Text Abar ēwēnag-i-nāmag-nibēsišnīh (How to Write Letters)

D. E. Mishin

The author presents a Russian translation of the Middle Persian text entitled
Abar ēwēnag-i-nāmag-nibēsišnīh (How To Write Letters). The text in question appears
to have been initially compiled by more than one person in Sasanid times,
as a database of formulae for private scribes who wrote letters for customers
probably not belonging to the elite. Some formulae occurring in the text are close
to those found in extant Pahlavi letters.

Persia, Sasanids, Middle Persian (Pahlavi) literature, letters

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