The Hunns and the Writing
The author discusses the possibility of the usage of writing by the Hunns in
the 4th and the 5th centuries A.D. No one source, neither explicitly, nor implicitly,
says that the Hunns were literate. No traces of any Hunnic writing are found
in Europe. Probably the Hunnic society felt no need of writing down anything,
neither in Attila’s time, nor later. The absence of writing speaks in favor of the
opinion that ‘Attila’s empire’ was not yet a state.
The usage of writing at Attila’s court is indeed attested, but must be explained
by external circumstances only: the need of maintaining diplomatic relations with
the Romans, as well as, probably, the personal experience of Attila and the efforts
of Aëtius.
Most of secretaries at Attila’s court were persons helpfully recommended by
Aëtius. Being well educated and, sometimes, high-rank (in the Roman Empire),
those people not only maintained the diplomatic correspondence of Attila, but
also were influential at his court. One can suppose that Aëtius gave to those his
trustees some other tasks, sometimes life-threatening, and some of them really
lost their lives when fulfilling those tasks.
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