The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2017-2018, 71-85

State and Early Historical Writing in Armenia: Aspects of Interaction

V. A. Arutyunova-Fidanyan

First polities emerged in the Armenian Highlands on the base of proto-
Armenian tribes in the 7th–6th centuries B.C. In the second half of the 2nd and
the early 1st century B.C. the Artašecides created the united Armenian State with
sustainable institutes of government which later were transfered to the Aršacides
without significant changes. By the early 4th century A.D. the Nakharar system
was established in Aršacid Armenia which became an early feudal monarchy.
It is difficult to call pre-Christian Armenia an illiterate society: the Armenian
state, going back to pre-Hellenistic times, could not function without writing
(which was used in army, taxation, diplomacy, etc.). For several centuries the
Aramaic, Greek, Syriac (variant of Aramaic), Parthian, and Persian writing
systems were in use in Armenia.
The appearence of the Armenian alphabet c. 400 was caused, first of all, by
the needs of the Christian church. The translated literature was necessary for the
ideological and liturgical activity of the church, as well as for religious education.
Later translations embraced all the disciplines of medieval education: grammar,
rhetoric, philosophy, natural science, theology, so demonstrating the determination
of the Philhellene school.
The first translators-Philhellenes were at the same time the founders of the
original Armenian literature. The first historiographers were learned monks
(vardapets) closely linked to the dominating kins of Armenia, who patronized
their work.
The 5th-century historical thought of Armenia is a unique phenomenon not
only for the national but also for the world culture, as the 5th century was the
time of decline of the Antique historiography, and the Byzantine one only was
doing its first steps.
The ‘Golden Age’ of the Armenian historiography in the 5th century coincides
not with the emergence of the state (as in many other regions), but, to the contrary,
with the loss of the state sovereignty which had existed for almost a millenium.
In 428, as a result of Byzantine-Persian rivalry, the royal power in Armenia was
abolished, and the church take over some of the functions of the state, as well as
the securing of the Christian self-consciousness.
The corpus of 5th-century Armenian historical prose initiated the Christian
historical writing in Armenia. The works by 5th-century vardapets combined the
defence of the faith and Christian rites, the resistance to attempts of religious
assimilation, with the struggle for state soverignty and the revival of the ancient
Armenian Kingdom.

Armenia, historical writing, writing, Christianization, the phenomenon of the “Golden Age”, the philosophy of history

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