On the Date of the Letter from Türk Qaghan to the Byzantine Emperor Maurice
The narrative about the letter, sent from the Türk Qaghan to the Emperor Maurice and preserved in the book of the Byzantine historian of the 1st half of the 7th century Theophylact Simocatta (Theoph. Sym. VII. VII. 7–VIII. 11) remains a subject of discussions among researchers for a long time. The dating of the fragment, the time of writing the letter and its authorship, and the event context of the narrative caused many polar points of view. There are different interpretations related to some ethnonyms, toponyms and personal names mentioned in the fragment, and generally covering it’s dating by the period 595–603 A.D. At the same time, most researchers agree that the author of the letter was the person named Dá-tóu 達頭 Qaghan in Chinese sources and known as Τάρδου in the work of Menander the Guardsman.
Among the researchers who specifically dealt with the problem, there are many names. The important studies by H.W. Haussig, K. Czeglédy, L.N. Gumilev, T. Olajos, M. Whitby in recent years were supplemented by conceptual articles by J. Harmatta and É. de La Vaissère. The latter proposed the most original point of view on issues, looking at the source material in a completely innovative way. However, there is no outweighed reason to accept his proposed dating and attribution of authorship of the letter.
The attention of the author of this article is focused on the plot related to the narrative about the internal war among the Türks. However, it is also possible to offer an justification for the dating the fragment of the letter, attracting data of other sources. In first, “The Chronography” of Theophanes Confessor that is also based on other unidentified sources deserves much attention. The author of the article is inclined to trust dates given by Theophanes regarding the period in question. A comparison of these data with the work of Theophylact gives reason to argue that the second appointment of Priscus to command in Thrace, in the context of a narrative about the actions of which the mention about the letter was given, should date back to 597 A.D.
The narrative about the confrontation between the Qaghan, who is the author of the letter and the “tyrant”, which ended in the defeat of the latter, according to the author could be connected with the events that took place in the period not earlier than 593 and not later than 596 A.D. It was Dū-lán 都藍 Qaghan of Eastern Türks, mentioned by Theophylact Simocatta as Τουρούμ and by Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos as Τουροὺν, who decided to strengthen his
power over the independent possessions of other rulers of Türk Dynasty. Dá-tóu 達頭 Qaghan was a person who strengthened his own power, although we do not know where his possession located at that time. The leader was more fortunate and felt his position reliable. He already had contacts with Byzantium earlier, and it was his letter which was sent to emperor Maurice.
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