The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2022, 209-221

Reconstruction and Interpretation of the Story of the “Oldest Tale” (the Middle of the 11th Century) about Askold and Dir

A. S. Shchavelev

State Academic University of the Humanities


Financing: state assignment of the Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education of the Russian Federation: topic FZNF-2020-0001 “Traditions and values of society: mechanisms of formation and transformation in the context of global history” (at the State Academic University for the Humanities).


For citation: Shchavelev, Aleksei S. Reconstruction and Interpretation of the Story of the “Oldest Tale” (The Middle of the 11th Century) about Askold and Dir // Drevneishie gosudarstva Vostochnoi Evropy (The Earliest States of Eastern Europe). 2022: The Role of Religion in the Formation of Socio-Cultural Practices and Ideas / Editors of the volume Е.V. Litovskikh, Е.А. Melnikova. Мoscow: GAUGN-Press, 2022. S. 209–221.


DOI: 10.32608/1560-1382-2022-43-209-221


Abstract: The paper proposes a reconstruction and interpretation of the original text of the “Oldest Tale” of the middle of the 11th century about the rulers of Kiev, brothers Askold and Dir. This text can be reconstructed by removing the insertions from the text of the “Initial Compilation”, which was reflected in the “Novgorod First Chronicle of the Younger Version”. This text is based on the authentic historical memory of the Old Russian elite of the city of Kiev in the 11th century. In this text the brothers Varangians Askold and Dir are independent princes of Kiev and the people of Poliane. They have nothing in common with the Novgorodian prince Rurik. They are killed by warriors of Rurik’s son Prince Igor and his warlord Oleg. Most likely this happened at the turn of the 9th and 10th centuries. They are buried in the mounds, the names of which were well known in Kiev in the 11th century. Above the Askold’s mound, a certain local of Kiev of Scandinavian origin named Ol’ma erected the church of St. Nicholas. Ol’ma may have considered St Nicholas as his saint protector, and Askold as his ancestor. All additional data of the Primary Chronicle about Askold and Dir, including the information that they launched a campaign of Rus’ to Constantinople in 860, are speculations of the chronicler, which means that their historical reliability is in question. Moreover, there is no reason to consider Askold and Dir Christians. Askold did not have the baptismal name Nicholas and had nothing to do with St Nikolas.

Primary Chronicle, Initial Compilation, Oldest Tale, First Novgorodian Chronicle of Younger Version, Askold, Dir, Old Russian Annals, Old Rus’

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