The Earliest States of Eastern Europe. 2022: The Role of Religion in the Formation of Socio-Cultural Practices and Ideas / Editors of the volume Е.V. Litovskikh, Е.А. Melnikova. Мoscow: GAUGN-Press, 2022

The next volume of the almanac "The Earliest States of Eastern Europe" is devoted to the role of religion in the formation of socio-cultural practices and ideas. This problem is revealed on the material of European and Asian societies of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, including Eastern Europe and Old Rus'. The volume consists of two parts. The first contains articles on issues related to the Christianization of a number of countries and missionary activities in them, the role of priests in their political life. The second part of the volume publishes archival materials by Galina V. Glazyrina (1952–2016), including her translations of the Old Norse Eiriks saga vióforla, Þorvalds þáttur víðförla (two editions), Kristni saga (initial chapters) . Translations of texts are accompanied by comments, as well as introductory articles containing a description of these sources. The materials for this part were prepared by Tatyana N. Jackson. The publication is intended for a wide range of historians and philologists, medievalists and Slavic scholars, as well as all those interested in the history and culture of Eastern Europe and Islamic countries.
Table of contents
- T. V. Guimon, E. A. Melnikova - In Memoriam of Аlexandr Vasiljevich Nazarenko - 6-15
- Y. E. Vershinina - God without a Family? The Family of Jesus and Its Representation in the Works of Gregory of Tours - 16-42
- T. M. Kalinina - Notes on Titles shad and beg and their Roles in Khazaria - 43-60
- E. V. Litovskikh - First Icelandic Nun Guðrún - 61-74
- V. I. Matuzova - The Teutonic Order as a Religious Corporation, the 13th and 14th Centuries: According to Chronicon terrae Prussiae by Peter von Dusburg - 75-86
- I. G. Matyushina - The Functions of the Body in the Formation of the Cult of Saint Etheldreda - 87-108
- E. A. Melnikova - At the Intersection of Paganism and Christianity: Peace-Oaths in Rus and Iceland - 109-126
- Y. M. Mogarichev - Missionary Activities of Crimean Eparchies in the Early Middle Ages - 127-141
- B. E. Rashkovskiy - Petaḥiah of Regensburg and his Rout to the Middle East Via Kiev - 142-186
- Y. А. Ryier - Pagan Rituals of Power of the First Rulers of Lithuania (Middle of the 13th – Middle of the 14th Century) - 187-201
- S. Y. Temčinas - Yaroslav the Wise in Constantinople: The 2nd Posthumous Miracle of St Paraskeva of the Balkans - 202-208
- A. S. Shchavelev - Reconstruction and Interpretation of the Story of the “Oldest Tale” (the Middle of the 11th Century) about Askold and Dir - 209-221
- G. V. Glazyrina - Old Icelandic “Sagas about Travellers” - 222-323
- A. V. Nazarenko, S. V. Zavadskaja - Bibliography - 324-352