The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2024, 21-22

'Vechniki' in the Eleventh-Century Saxony? On the Interpretation of the Word vethenici in the 'Chronicle' of Thietmar of Merseburg

P. V. Lukin

Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences


For citation: Lukin, Pavel V. Vechniki in the Eleventh-Century Saxony? On the Interpretation of the Word vethenici in the Chronicle of Thietmar of Merseburg // Drevneishie gosudarstva Vostochnoi Evropy (The Earliest States of Eastern Europe). 2024: In memoriam Alexandr V. Nazarenko / Editors of the volume Т.V. Guimon, P.V. Lukin, Е.А. Мelnikova, А.V. Podossinov Мoscow: GAUGN-Press, 2024. S. 1–2.


DOI: 10.32608/1560-1382-2024-45-1-2


Abstract: The article is devoted to the enigmatic word vethenici in the Chronicle of Theitmar of Merseburg written in Latin. In the Chronicle this word occurs three times in the accounts of the events of the 11th century in Meissen in Saxony. All three mentions are connected with the actions of a military detachment, apparently of Slavic origin, during the attacks on the city by Polish troops. Hypotheses offered in the previous literature are examined: on the connection of vethenici with the Lusatian-Serbian word wićaz, related to Old Russian vityaz; on its derivation from the Proto-Slavonic *vět(j)jpikъ («participant of an assembly»); on its coming from the hypothetical *vitinici/vetinici («people of [the House of] Wettin», «people from [the town/castle of] Wettin». In the author's opinion, the connection of the word vethenici with vechniki best corresponds to linguistic regularities and historical context, though not in the meaning «participants of an assembly, veche», but in the also well attested meaning «troublemakers, conspirators, rebels».

'Chronicle' by Thietmar of Merseburg, Saxony, Meissen, Lusatian Serbs, Lusatian-Serbian language, Vechniki

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