Time in the Pilgrimage of Hegumen Daniil
For citation: Guminsky, Viktor M. Time in the Pilgrimage of Hegumen Daniil // Drevneishie gosudarstva Vostochnoi Evropy (The Earliest States of
DOI: 10.32608/1560-1382-2024-45-62-72
Abstract: The article discusses the category of time in the Pilgrimage by hegumen Daniil in the context of the development of the Russian travel literature and the medieval perception of time and space. Their representation was largely determined by the peculiarities of the worldview of Old Russians deriving from the Orthodox binary notion of the universe structure, in particular the structure of the other world (heaven – hell) which, in its turn, influenced the assessment of the earthly geographical space. The Earth was divided into regions righteous and sinful, worthy or unworthy of description, etc. Hence, before the 15th century, the exclusive direction of the development of Old Russian travel literature was the description of only the
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