The Earliest States of Eastern Europe
DG-2016, 134-156

Oral tradition in Haralds saga harðráða

T. N. Jackson



The article analyzes Haralds saga harðráða from the point of view of its connection with oral tradition. In accordance with the studied by Galina Glazyrina formal indicators of oral tradition in the sagas, the author investigates here the referential formulas of the type “svá er sagt”, and a large number of references to the poems composed by the skalds in the service of King Haraldr, as well as to oral informants. Among the informants one finds Halldórr Snorrason, the King’s friend and bodyguard, who was with him all the time while he was outside his country, and who later told the saga of Haraldr at the Thing assemblies in Iceland; Þorgils Snorrason, a priest in Skarð in the west of Iceland (died in 1201); Guðríðr, the daughter of Guthormr, the son of Steigar-Þórir, that very bond who was the first to give Haraldr the king’s name in Norway (died in 1095). King Haraldr himself is not the last among the informants in Morkinskinna: there are four references to him as a source of information. One might be sure that, if not to Iceland, but to the Scandinavian North the saga of his travels beyond the seas was brought by the King himself. The traditions about Haraldr seem to have blossomed more richly than about other rulers, and we may suspect that Haraldr had had a hand in this. He could have been the main patron of his own legend and could have supplied the narrative with information. The article formulates the reasons why there was a rich tradition concerning this Norwegian king in Iceland, why he was so popular among the Icelandic skalds, and partly reveals the mechanism of transfer to Iceland of oral tradition connected with the Norwegian royal house.


oral tradition, Icelandic sagas, Haraldr harðráða Sigurðarson


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