Crusading Ideology in the Writings of the Teutonic Order in Prussia in the 13th and 14th centuries
The article gives a general outline of crusading ideology in the writings (historiography
and German poetical paraphrases of the books of Old Testament) of the
Teutonic Order in Prussia (the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries). The Teutonic
Order was established in the Holy Land in 1190, during the Third Crusade. However,
in the thirteenth century its wars in Prussia were equated (and approved by
the papacy) with the crusades to the Holy Land. The chief work of the Order’s
historiography is the Chronicon terrae Prussiae by Peter of Dusburg who wrote,
so to say, the “programme” work of the Order, which expressed its crusading
ideas and at the same time served as its apologia and its “encyclopedia” sui generis.
The author describes the Prussians as the worst enemies of the Christians,
and theologically legitimizes the Order’s wars in Prussia as a holy war (i.e. a
crusade), the more so as God takes the side of the crusaders. Hagiography, being
the inherent part of crusading ideology, serves the same task. Virgin Mary,
Saint George and Saint Elisabeth were regarded as “official” patrons of the Order
representing each a particular aspect of its existence. However, Peter of Dusburg
used every chance to show the Teutonic knights as saint martyrs. Generally, the
author, time and again, uses the Bible to erase boundaries between the distant
past and the contemporaneity, and shows the links between the Teutonic Order
and Christ with the support of the new Christian piety. The knights are militia
Christi. The author not only uses the concepts of Bernard of Clairvaux, but also
develops them. The striking example is the allegory of bodily and spiritual arms.
In this part of his Chronicle Peter of Dusburg interprets every weapon in his text
as a spiritual one, ultimately as the weapon of salvation, while novum bellum
comes to take the place of the holy war. The heroes of the Bible are identified
with the Teutonic knights in Prussia. The special place belongs to the Maccabees,
who became the proto-type of the Teutonic Order in Prussia, while the Teutonic
knights are their successors. Judith and Hester, the two biblical pious and selfsacrificing
heroines, also, serve good examples to the Teutonic crusaders. The
books of Ezra and Nehemiah of the Old Testament are to remind of the crusading
past of the Order in the Holy Land. Christians in the poetical paraphrases of the
Bible traditionally contrast with pagans in order to legitimize the wars against the
Prussians. Crusading ideology served interests of the Teutonic Order in Prussia
in its wars and in its task to subjugate and convert the Prussian tribes, as well as
to form the self-identity of the Teutonic Order and the self-consciousness of its
knights as well as to tighten discipline of the military corporation.
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