Dr.Sc. (History), Professor, the Deputy of Director of the Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences
Dmitry Ulyanov Street, 19, Moscow, 117292, Russia
e-mail: gor-ks@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-8502-1235
- Princess Gyda, The Wife of Vladimir Monomakh, in the Light of A.V. Nazarenko’s Investigations - DG-2024, 275-284
- Discussing the formation of the posadnik system in Rus’ - DG-2014, 304-317
- On the Stage of Development of East Slavic Society on the Eve of the Emergence of Ancient Rus’ - DG-2010, 192-210
- Поход Игоря Святославича на половцев 1185 г. в глазах современников - DG-1998, 72-77
- Баварский Географ и этнополитическая структура восточного славянства - DG-1995, 271-282
- Кривичи и полочане в IX-X вв. (Вопросы политической истории) - DG-1992-1993, 50-63