Tatjana M. Kalinina
Cand.Sc. (Hist.), senior researcher in the Department of Byzantine and East European History of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
e-mail: tmka@yandex.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-2569-5932
- Gifts and Court Ceremonies in Ibn Fadlan’s 'Risalah' - DG-2024, 257-266
- Notes on Titles shad and beg and their Roles in Khazaria - DG-2022, 43-60
- Eastern Europe in the Mirror of Arabic-Persian Literature: Selected Articles - DG-2021, 8-336
- Shahribaraz/Shahriyar – the Governor of Derbent and the Ruses in the Work of al-Bal‘ami - DG-2019-2020, 171-185
- Ibn al-Nadim’s Fihrist (the 10th Century) on Writing and Script of Some Peoples of Eastern and Western Europe - DG-2017-2018, 383-405
- Information about Apostle Andrew in some east sources - DG-2016, 294-303
- The Taxes and Levies in Ancient Rus’ According to the “Anonymous Note” by Arabo-Persian Writers - DG-2015, 374-389
- Al-Mas‘udi as the historian (on the example of “The book of prevention and revision”) - DG-2013, 259-280
- Values of the ethnonym “burdjan” in compositions of the Arab medieval geographers (options of a ratio of oral and written tradition) - DG-2011, 192-217
- Whether the state of Khazaria the nomadic empire was? (According to written sources) - DG-2010, 464-481
- The Pechenegs and the way from Urgench to them - DG-2009, 153-166
- Perception of time and space by al-Mas‘udi, arab scientific (X century) - DG-2006, 396-417
- Stories by the Arab travelers Ibn Fadlan and Abu Hamid al-Garnati about a giant in the Volga region - DG-2003, 91-101
- Genealogy the peoples of Eastern European in the historical consciousness of medieval Arab writers - DG-2002, 102-113
- The interpretation of some news about the Slavs in the “Anonymous Note” - DG-2001, 204-216
- Arab scholars on the Norman invasion of Seville in 844 - DG-1999, 190-210
- Notes on the trade in Eastern Europe according to Arab scholars IX–X centures - DG-1998, 106-119
- Анатолий Петрович Новосельцев (1933—1995) (coauthors - E. A. Melnikova, И. И. Попов) - DG-1998, 5-16
- The term «people at home» («ahl al-bite») from Ibn Fadlan’s Book in the relation to the society of Rus - DG-1992-1993, 134-139
- Arab sources of the VIII–IX centuries about the Slavs - DG-1991, 211-223
- Controversial ethnonym in al-Fergani’s astronomical treatise - DG-1987, 237-242
- Al-Khorezmi‘s information about Eastern Europe and Central Asia - DG-1983, 179-199
- Arab source of the X century (geographical treatise of the «Brothers of Purity») about the territory of the USSR and adjacent areas - DG-1982, 196-207
- [Рец.:] Арабские источники по истории славянства. - DG-1981, 209-212
- Ibn Haukal’s information about the campaigns of Rus of the times of Svyatoslav - DG-1975, 90-101