The Earliest States of Eastern Europe. 2025: Ways and Means of Conflict Resolution / Editor of the volume Т.N. Jackson. Мoscow: GAUGN-Press, 2025

This volume of the annual "The Earliest States of Eastern Europe" is devoted to social conflicts, and first of all to the methods of conflict resolution in Ancient Greece and Rome, in Byzantium, Khazaria, Ancient Rus’, and in Western Europe. All the papers presented in the collection are based on a thorough study of relevant sources, but thematically fall into two large groups, namely – those considering conflicts in real history and those studying the specifics of the reflection of conflicts in the mirror of literature. The review included in this volume is also closely related to its general topic.
The publication is intended for a wide range of historians and philologists, classical and medievalists, as well as all those interested in the history and culture of Europe.
Table of contents
- T. N. Jackson - Preface - 1-2
- I. E. Surikov - The Internal Conflict in Late Fifth Century BC Athens and Amnesties as a Means of its Settlement - 3-4
- A. V. Korolenkov - Metellus Pius and Empeasement of res publica in 70s BC - 5-6
- I. E. Ermolova - A Forced Way to Resolve Rome’s Conflicts with Barbarians in the Second Half of the Fourth Century AD - 7-8
- A. B. Vankova - The Byzantine Emperor as an Arbiter in the Conflicts of Monks, Both among Themselves and with Church Authorities - 9-10
- T. M. Kalinina - Internal and External Conflicts in Khazaria in the Middle of the Ninth Century: Warriors of al-larisiyya (al-arsiyya) and the Muslims on the Seversky Donets - 11-12
- V. Y. Petrukhin - The Calling-In of the Varangians: Tribal Conflict, Treaty and the Beginning of Urban Law - 13-14
- A. J. Vinogradov - Ecclesiastical Conflicts and their Solutions in the Yaroslavichs Era (1054–1073) - 15-16
- Y. A. Artamonov - Disorder in Monastic Life and Possibilities of its Resolution (Based on the Early History of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery) - 17-18
- M. L. Lavrenchenko - Mediators in the Politics of Medieval Rus’ - 19-20
- A. A. Kouznetsov - Conflicts and Reconciliations of Vsevolod the Big Nest and His Sons with Chernigov Princes (1170s–1230s) - 21-22
- K. P. Kostomarova, A. F. Litvina, F. B. Uspenskij - Ятровь in the Old Russian Chronicles - 23-24
- E. S. Marey - Conflicts between Hermits and Clerics in Visigothic Spain: A Change of the Model of Authority? - 25-26
- D. E. Alimov - Why Don’t the Croats Want to Fight against Other Nations? On the Interpretation of the Accounts by Constantine Porphyrogenitus on the Treaty of the Croats with the Pope (DAI, ch. 31) - 27-28
- V. I. Matuzova - The Teutonic Order: Variety of Conflicts - 29-30
- Y. E. Vershinina - Conflict in the Family of King Amalaric: Authentic Story or Early Medieval Deepfake? - 31-32
- O. V. Aurov - Interpretation Options of One Conflict: The Rebellion of 673 from the “History of King Wamba” by Julian of Toledo to the “History of Spain” by Alfonso X the Wise - 33-34
- T. N. Jackson - Conclusion/Termination of a Marriage Contract as a Means of Resolving a Conflict or a Reason for it: Scandinavian History through the Eyes of the Authors of the Icelandic Kings’ Sagas - 35-36
- I. G. Matyushina - From Personal Confrontations to National Conflicts: The Godwine Clan and the Kings of Wessex - 37-38
- E. V. Litovskikh - No Risk, No State - 39-40
- A. A. Sinitsyn - On the Threshold of a Conflict Between the East and the West. Herodotus’ Stories of Asians’ Attempts to Involve Sparta in War with the Persian Empire - 41-42